sailing school

sailing school

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hâte à l'hiver....

It's been interesting to note reactions when it is revealed we are going to live in France, moving to the the Northern Hemisphere.

One of the non positive responses goes something like 'oh my god, think of those winters!'. 

As I was fondling a soft black leather Samvara bag (on left -should I buy it? really expensive..), lusting after a pair of black suede boots seen on line and coveting a mongolian lamb gilet, I suddenly realised I LOVE THE WINTER!  In fact, being a true goth at heart, I'd pick a floor length coat over a sun dress any day and the idea of being able to wear leather gloves again makes my heart sing.

Is this strange?  I have many friends who will be horrified by my words and would gladly spend their entire lives in a never-ending summer.  But that's not me.  I can appreciate the ease offered by dressing in little more than singlet, shorts and thongs year round, but overall I do find it rather boring.  I loathe the ever present humidity that saps energy and turns hair to mush and am truly looking forward to good hair days x 365 once we hit humidity free French shores! 

There is nothing nicer than a glass of red beside a crackling log fire and my favourite foods are all cold weather rib-stickers - shepherd's pie, casseroles, stews, French onion soup, lasagne, lamb shanks, Sunday roasts. 

I'm naturally attracted to velvet curtains, leather sofas, persian rugs and chandeliers, none of which 'gel' particularly
well with 38 degree days, 87% humidity and loose sand from the beach. 

Suffice to say I'm stoked at the thought of donning my Russian hat again and stalking out into the crisp morning for a hot chocolate. 

But what of Folie Monsieur who doesn't own a sweater, never mind a coat? Who daydreams about body surfing and year round poolside barbies? What of Roly, Pepper and Oscar who have never seen snow? How will they react? All will be revealed soon enough, I guess, and it's no fluke that we selected the South of France and not Brittany or Scotland! And the good thing about a proper winter (apart from the fabulous clothes!) is that it makes a flower filled spring followed by a long, hot summer all the easier to appreciate. That said, you might want to ask me again how I feel about winter this time next year...


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