These two people had been seriously overweight with their luggage, understandable given that they were permanently leaving the country on one-way tickets. These two people had thus been forced to re-pack their bags and jettison assorted items before being allowed onto the flight.
This represented the farewell of Folie Madame et Monsieur to the Great Southern Land that had been their home for the last twelve years.
Fortunately the stash bag containing valium and xanax had successfully made it onto the flight, and the Brisbane – Singapore – Dubai – Paris journey passed without further mishap, and rather pleasantly too, once the drinks trolley started patrolling.
Our arrival into Paris, around supper time on a crisp Spring evening, went smoothly with Passport control barely glancing at our documents and the Douane chatting amongst themselves as we slid into the country we were to call our new home.
An overnight stay at the airport Mercure featured giant beers and a good night’s sleep in readiness for the rendez-vous with our pets who would be arriving the next morning having spent 36 hours without food travelling in transporter crates in the chilly hold of a Cathay Pacific plane.
The ever-reliable and newly svelte Holly arrived promptly as arranged, and after navigating endless administrative diversions insurmountable without Holly’s intervention, Roly, Pepper and Oscar emerged from their crates into the frigid morning air of the French cargo dock.
Couldn't you have strapped Alex to the roof instead